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Welcome to the Boot Brew Fest website. This is a homebrew competition and festival held in Eunice, LA. While we do love our craft and macro breweries, this festival is focused on experiencing and learning about homebrewed beer. As a result, any beer served on site will be made by an amateur brewer, who will likely be there if you would like to discuss their process.
The competition includes all beer styles from the BJCP 2021 guidelines, with a deadline of March 14th, 2025 for entries. When judging is complete, we will announce winners on April 25th, 2025 the night before the festival in Eunice, LA as well as online through the competition portal and YouTube livestream, and medals will be sent out soon afterwards. Please visit the competition information page for additional info.
On April 26th, 2025 we will hold a festival in Eunice, LA at Lakeview Park and Beach. The festival will provide education on the homebrewing process, as well as provide samples of home brewed beer from the brewers themselves. An awards ceremony and Cajun barn dance will wrap up the day. Please check out the festival information page for more details.

All proceeds of the Boot Brew Fest benefit Acadiana Roots
Acadiana Roots, a 501 C-3 non-profit Corporation, is an organization created upon the desire to deepen our understanding, as a region and community, of the traditions and culture of our ancestors.
Our mission is staying focused on the roots of Acadiana: its people, culture, music, language, traditions, and its food. Acadiana Roots’ founding officers, all professionally involved in Acadiana tourism and hospitality, are determined that the way to promote the future of these traditions and its culture is through the support and education of the regions’ festivals, cultural events, investment in its people and its work force. This, in addition to a focus on keeping relevant and prosperous the uniqueness of the region, sums up what Acadiana Roots is based upon. On February 7th, 2018, Acadiana Roots was founded as a Louisiana Non-profit Corporation with this mission as its purpose. Now with the support of you and our community, we hope to preserve the Joie de Vie for generations to come!