Thank you for your interest in the Boot Brew Fest! The goal of this festival is to show off the brewing talents of homebrewers in Louisiana and surrounding areas, as well as educate attendees that may be interested in the hobby of home brewing. To make that happen, we need as many entries from our homebrewers as possible. Thank you for helping us achieve that goal!

Contact Us

If you have questions on festival brew entries or would like to modify your existing submission, please reach out to us at contact@bootbrewfest.com.

When reserving lodging, or if you have general on-site festival questions, please reach out to the Lakeview Park and Beach office below:

Lakeview Park and Beach

Phone: 337-457-2881

Email: lvparkoffice@gmail.com

Qualifying Entries

A qualifying entry consists of a 5-gallon keg, or an equivalent (about 48) 12oz bottles of the same homebrew. Entrants should try to bring as close to a full keg as possible to allow for all attendees to sample their brew.

Entry Benefits


We will provide one Full Festival Access ticket per brew entry ($45 value). This will include all access to the festival, brew sampling, and a food voucher for a bowl of jambalaya. If you bring multiple entries, you will receive 1 Full Festival Access ticket per entry. These tickets may be transferred, but the person picking up the tickets on the festival day must be a contact we have on file. You can transfer tickets by contacting the Lakeview Park and Beach office.


We are offering a discount on all cottage and RV site reservations for anyone submitting entries. Tent sites are also available if you prefer that route.


Festival attendees will be encouraged to vote for their favorite beer and mead/cider/other beverage during the event. In the case of ties, we will try to spilt the awards fairly. Awards will be given out for the following:

1. The brewers with the most individual votes for beer (with alcohol) will get a People’s Choice – Best Beer medal. First, second, and third place will be awarded.
2. The brewers with the most individual votes for mead, cider, or non-alcoholic beverages will get a People’s Choice – Best Mead/Cider/Other medal. First, second, and third place will be awarded.
3. During the festival, a panel of pre-selected judges will visit each booth to vote on the best decorations, presentation, etc. The selected winners will receive a Best Decoration/Presentation Club/Tent medal. First, second, and third place will be awarded.

Ties for the medal categories above will be resolved as follows:

1 & 2. People’s Choice Beer or Mead/Cider/Other: An impartial judging panel consisting of Lakeview Park staff will select the winner. A single 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be selected for each category.
3. Best Decoration/Presentation Club/Tent: The panel of judges will re-vote only for the clubs or tents currently in the top 3. If a tie still remains, an additional judge will be brought in from the Lakeview Park staff to break the tie.

* Note that all brew entries must be added to the Festival Entry form below before the deadline to qualify. The deadline for qualifying submissions is end of day April 19th, 2025. Submissions after that time will be accepted, but may be ineligible for People’s Choice and other festival awards as they could be excluded from printed festival materials which must be completed prior to the festival date.

Entry Form

If this sounds good to you, please complete the form below to submit your entry. Each individual brew should be submitted separately:

Festival Beer Entry 2025

All information provided will be used for festival organization and informational purposes only. No information will be shared with outside organizations or entities.

All submitted brew will be included on printed materials under the club or brewery they are assigned to. No personal information will be included on printed materials shared with the public.

If you sign up to include your brew on Untappd, we will add your brew to that app for easy check-ins. Brews can be easily looked up using the #BBF2025 keyword. You may opt out if you wish, and we will only include your brew on printed materials.

Brew registrations not received by 4/19/2025 may not be included in the printed materials, and may not be eligible for festival awards.